
Investors Exchange Fee Schedule

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Effective September 19, 2024

Membership Fees

Investors Exchange

Connectivity Fees

10G Physical Port Connection to Primary Data Center
$4,000 per month1
10G Physical Port Connection to Disaster Recovery Data Center
Included with 10G Physical Port Connection at Primary Data Center
1G or 10G Physical Port Connection to IEX Test Facility (“ITF”)2
Included with 10G Physical Port Connection at Primary Data Center
Logical Port (except for Primary Data Center Order Entry Port)
Order Entry Port3
     1-5 ports
     6 or more ports
$250 per port per month4

1Physical connectivity fees are billed to and payable by the Member, Service Bureau, Data Recipient, or Extranet Provider maintaining the physical port connection at the Primary Data Center based on the number of physical connections to the Primary Data Center as of the first of each month.

21G physical ports are the default connection to the ITF, but Members and Service Bureaus may also connect to the ITF through a 10G physical port.

3Fees for Logical Order Entry Ports are only applicable to such ports at the IEX POP: Secaucus (Hot/Primary) connectivity site. There are no fees for Logical Order Entry Ports at the Disaster Recovery (Cold/Secondary) or ITF: Secaucus (Non-Production).

4Fees for Primary Data Center Logical Order Entry Ports are billed to and payable by the Member or Service Bureau maintaining the port based on the number of Primary Data Center Logical Order Entry Ports assigned to each Member or Service Bureau as of the first of each month.


Fee Schedule

Market Data Fees

As announced in Trading Alert #2024-030, IEX plans to modify the below definitions of "Real-Time" and "Delayed" effective February 1, 2025, subject to filing and effectiveness of a rule change with the SEC. Please see Trading Alert #2024-030 for more detail.


  • “Real-Time” means IEX market data that is accessed, used, or distributed less than fifteen (15) milliseconds after it was made available by the Exchange. IEX provides only Real-Time IEX market data to Data Subscribers. A Data Subscriber may redistribute Real-Time IEX market data that it receives from the Exchange on a Real-Time basis to a natural person or entity. Receipt of IEX market data on a Real-Time basis by an affiliate of a Data Subscriber is not subject to additional Fees beyond those paid by such Data Subscriber.1
  • “Delayed” means IEX market data that is accessed, used, or distributed at least fifteen (15) milliseconds after it was made available by the Exchange. A Data Subscriber may redistribute Real-Time IEX market data that it receives from the Exchange on a Delayed basis to a natural person or entity. In addition, a recipient of Delayed IEX market data may further redistribute such Delayed IEX market data to a natural person or entity.
  • “Data Subscriber” means any natural person or entity that receives Real-Time IEX market data either directly from the Exchange or from another non-affiliated Data Subscriber. A Data Subscriber must enter into a Data Subscriber Agreement with IEX in order to receive Real-Time IEX market data. A natural person or entity that receives Real-Time IEX market data from an affiliated Data Subscriber is subject to the Data Subscriber Agreement of such affiliated Data Subscriber.

The following fees2 are assessed by IEX on market data recipients:

DEEP Feed (Real-Time)
$2,500 per month3
TOPS Feed (Real-Time)
$500 per month3
DEEP+ Feed (Real-Time)
TOPS Feed (Real-Time)
DEEP Feed (Delayed)
TOPS Feed (Delayed)

1The terms “affiliate” and “affiliated” have the meaning specified in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.

2The fees set forth below include only fees charged by IEX. Receipt of Real-Time IEX market data from a Data Subscriber or Delayed IEX market data from a Data Subscriber or other person may also be subject to fees agreed to between the Data Subscriber and recipient of such IEX market data.

3These fees will be operative when the product is launched.  IEX will announce the launch date by Trader Alert at least 10 business days in advance of the product launch.

Fee Schedule

Transaction Fees

  • All fees identify cost or rebate per share executed unless otherwise specified.  Rebates are indicated by parentheses ().
  • Footnotes provide further explanatory text or indicate variable rate changes, provided the conditions in the footnote are met.
  • The rates listed in the Base Rates table apply unless a Member’s transaction is assigned a Fee Code other than a Base Fee Code (an "Additional Fee Code"). If a Member’s transaction is assigned an Additional Fee Code, the rates listed in the Fee Code Combinations and Associated Fees table will apply.
  • The Exchange passes-through in full any fees charged by/rebates received from away venues ("Cost") to the Member and adds the IEX fee (i.e., a $0.0001 charge per share).

Definitions and Information

  • "Fee Code" is identified on each execution report message from the Exchange in the Trade Liquidity Indicator (FIX tag 9730) field.
  • "MPID" means a market participant identifier.
  • "TDV" means the total dollar value of the execution calculated as the execution price multiplied by the number of shares executed in the transaction.
  • “ADV” means average daily volume calculated as the number of shares added or removed (as applicable) that execute at or above $1.00 per share, per day.  ADV is calculated on a monthly basis.
  • The Exchange excludes from its calculations of ADV any trading day that the Exchange's system experiences a disruption that lasts for more than 60 minutes during regular trading hours and any day with a scheduled early market close.
  • Routed shares executed away from IEX are not included in ADV calculation.
  • Auction and Opening Process executed shares are not included in ADV calculation.
  •  With prior notice to the Exchange, a Member may aggregate ADV with other Members with which the Member is affiliated pursuant to Rule 12b-2 under the Act.

Base Rates:

Base Fee Codes
Executions at or above $1.00
Executions below $1.00
Add non-displayed liquidity
0.10% of TDV
Add displayed liquidity
(Member adds less than 10,000,000 ADV of displayed liquidity)
(Member adds at least 10,000,000 ADV of displayed liquidity)
Remove non-displayed liquidity
0.10% of TDV
Remove displayed liquidity
0.09% of TDV
(Member adds at least 25,000 ADV of displayed liquidity)
(Member adds less than 25,000 ADV of displayed liquidity)
Opening Process for Non-Listed Securities ("Opening Process")
0.10% of TDV
O, C, H, P
Auction Match Fee
0.30% of TDV
Routing and removing liquidity (all routing options)
Cost + $0.0001

Fee Code Modifiers:

Additional Fee Codes
Post Only order executes on entry
See Relevant Fee Code Combinations Below
Resting order removes against Post Only order
See Relevant Fee Code Combinations Below
Discounted Single-Price Cross Fee: displayed interest resting on the Continuous Book executes in a cross or auction
Retail Order Fee: Retail order removes liquidity
Retail Liquidity Provider Order Fee: Member adds liquidity against a Retail order with a Retail Liquidity Provider order
Tape B Security
See Relevant Fee Code Combinations Below
Discretionary Peg, Fixed Midpoint Peg, Midpoint Peg, or Primary Peg order removes displayed liquidity
See Relevant Fee Code Combinations Below

Fee Code Combinations and Associated Fees:

Fee Codes
Executions at or above $1.00
Executions below $1.00
Adds non-displayed liquidity
0.10% of TDV
Adds non-displayed liquidity (Tape B)
0.10% of TDV
Adds displayed liquidity
Adds displayed liquidity (Tape B)
Post Only order adds liquidity against resting non-displayed order
Post Only order adds liquidity against resting non-displayed order (Tape B)
Removes non-displayed liquidity
0.10% of TDV
Removes non-displayed liquidity (Tape B)
0.10% of TDV
Post Only order removes non-displayed liquidity
Post Only order removes non-displayed liquidity (Tape B)
Removes displayed liquidity
0.09% of TDV
Removes displayed liquidity (Tape B)
0.09% of TDV
Discretionary Peg, Fixed Midpoint Peg, Midpoint Peg, or Primary Peg order removes displayed liquidity
0.09% of TDV
Discretionary Peg, Fixed Midpoint Peg, Midpoint Peg, or Primary Peg order removes displayed liquidity (Tape B)
0.09% of TDV
Post Only order removes displayed liquidity
Post Only order removes displayed liquidity (Tape B)
Retail order removes non-displayed liquidity
Resting non-displayed order removes liquidity against incoming Post Only order
Resting non-displayed order removes liquidity against incoming Post Only order (Tape B)
Retail Liquidity Provider order adds non-displayed liquidity that executes against a Retail order
Retail order removes displayed liquidity
Opening Process for Non-Listed Securities ("Opening Process")
0.10% of TDV
Displayed interest resting on the Continuous Book executes in the Opening Process
Opening Auction, IEX-listed security
0.30% of TDV
Displayed interest resting on the Continuous Book executes in the Opening Auction
Closing Auction, IEX-listed security
0.30% of TDV
Displayed interest resting on the Continuous Book executes in the Closing Auction
Halt or Volatility Auction, IEX-listed security
0.30% of TDV
IPO Auction, IEX-listed security
0.30% of TDV

ÂąFee Code R: Fee Code R applies only to a Retail order submitted by an IEX Retail Member Organization that (i) satisfies the criteria set forth in IEX Rules 11.190(b)(15) and 11.232(a)(1) and (ii) is a Discretionary Peg order or Midpoint Peg order with a Time-in-Force of IOC or FOK.

2Fee Code B: Fee Code B applies to all executions of Tape B securities, other than executions of Retail and Retail Liquidity Provider orders and executions with Base Fee Codes X, O, C, H, and P.

3TLBK and TLK will not apply to Midpoint Peg and Fixed Midpoint Peg orders with Trade Now functionality enabled that take liquidity from an incoming Post Only order; such executions will be assigned Fee Code Combination TLWB and TLW, respectively.

4Displayed Liquidity Adding Rebate Tiers (Applicable to Executions at or above $1):‍

Required Criteria
Tier 1
Member adds less than 10,000,000 ADV of displayed liquidity
Tier 2
Member adds at least 10,000,000 ADV of displayed liquidity

5Displayed Liquidity Removing Fee Tiers (Applicable to Executions at or above $1):‍

Required Criteria
Tier 1
Member adds less than 25,000 ADV of displayed liquidity
Tier 2
Member adds at least 25,000 ADV of displayed liquidity
Fee Schedule

Registration and Processing Fees

The following fees will be collected and retained by FINRA via the CRD registration system for the registration of associated persons of IEX Members that are not also FINRA Members:

  1. $125 for each initial Form U4 filed for the registration of a representative or principal;
  2. $155 for the additional processing of each initial or amended Form U4, Form U5 or Form BD that includes the initial reporting, amendment, or certification of one or more disclosure events or proceedings;
  3. $70 annually for each of the Member’s registered representatives and principals for system processing;
  4. $20 for processing and posting to the CRD system each set of fingerprint cards submitted electronically by the Member, plus a pass-through of any other charge imposed by the United States Department of Justice for processing each set of fingerprints;
  5. $30 for processing and posting to the CRD system each set of fingerprint cards submitted in non-electronic format by the Member, plus a pass-through of any other charge imposed by the United States Department of Justice for processing each set of fingerprints; and
  6. $30 for processing and posting to the CRD system each set of fingerprint results and identifying information that has been processed through a self-regulatory organization other than FINRA.
Fee Schedule

Consolidated Audit Trail Funding Fees


1. Historical CAT Assessment 1.

(A) Each CAT Executing Broker shall receive its first invoice for Historical CAT Assessment 1 in November 2024, which shall set forth the Historical CAT Assessment 1 fees calculated based on transactions in October 2024, and shall receive an invoice for Historical CAT Assessment 1 for each month thereafter in which Historical CAT Assessment 1 is in effect.

(B) Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC shall provide each CAT Executing Broker with an invoice for Historical CAT Assessment 1 on a monthly basis. Each month, such invoices shall set forth a fee for each transaction in Eligible Securities executed by the CAT Executing Broker in its capacity as a CAT Executing Broker for the Buyer (“CEBB”) and/or the CAT Executing Broker for the Seller (“CEBS”) (as applicable) from the prior month as set forth in CAT Data. The fee for each such transaction will be calculated by multiplying the number of executed equivalent shares in the transaction by the fee rate of $0.000013 per executed equivalent share.

(C) Historical CAT Assessment 1 will remain in effect until $212,039,879.34 (two-thirds of Historical CAT Costs 1) are collected from CAT Executing Brokers collectively, which is estimated to be approximately two years, but could be for a longer or shorter period of time.  Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC will provide notice when Historical CAT Assessment 1 will no longer be in effect.

(D) Each CAT Executing Broker shall be required to pay each invoice for Historical CAT Assessment 1 in accordance with paragraph (b).

2. Reserved

3. CAT Fee 2024-1.

(A) Each CAT Executing Broker shall receive its first invoice for CAT Fee 2024-1 in October 2024, which shall set forth the CAT Fee 2024-1 fees calculated based on transactions in September 2024, and shall receive an invoice for CAT Fee 2024-1 for each month thereafter until January 2025.

(B) Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC shall provide each CAT Executing Broker with an invoice for CAT Fee 2024-1 on a monthly basis.  Each month, such invoices shall set forth a fee for each transaction in Eligible Securities executed by the CAT Executing Broker in its capacity as a CAT Executing Broker for the Buyer (“CEBB”) and/or the CAT Executing Broker for the Seller (“CEBS”) (as applicable) from the prior month as set forth in CAT Data.  The fee for each such transaction will be calculated by multiplying the number of executed equivalent shares in the transaction by the fee rate of $0.000035 per executed equivalent share.

(C) Notwithstanding the last invoice date of January 2025 for CAT Fee 2024-1 in paragraph 3(A), CAT Fee 2024-1 shall continue in effect after January 2025, with each CAT Executing Broker receiving an invoice for CAT Fee 2024-1 each month, until a new subsequent CAT Fee is in effect with regard to Industry Members in accordance with Section 19(b) of the Exchange Act.  Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC will provide notice when CAT Fee 2024-1 will no longer be in effect.

(D) Each CAT Executing Broker shall be required to pay each invoice for CAT Fee 2024-1 in accordance with paragraph (b).

(b) Timing and Manner of Payments

(1) Each CAT Executing Broker shall pay its CAT fees as required pursuant to paragraph (a) each month to the Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC in the manner prescribed by the Consolidated Audit Trail, LLC.

(2) Each CAT Executing Broker shall pay the CAT fees required pursuant to paragraph (a) within thirty days after receipt of an invoice or other notice indicating payment is due (unless a longer payment period is otherwise indicated).  If a CAT Executing Broker fails to pay any such CAT fee when due, such CAT Executing Broker shall pay interest on the outstanding balance from such due date until such fee is paid at a per annum rate equal to the lesser of (i) the Prime Rate plus 300 basis points, or (ii) the maximum rate permitted by applicable law.


  1. CAT Fees.
    1. Historical CAT Assessment 1.